Azure Static Web Apps
Welcome to my new blog! I can’t promise I’ll be keeping this thing updated too often, but once in a while when something new exites me I’ll try to do a quick post.
After seeing Azure Static Web Apps going GA I thought it would be a good idea to check it out. Front end stuff is generally not my thing so keep that in mind when you look at the result (this site).
There’s a lot of stuff I haven’t tested yet like using Functions, authentication/authorization, deployment to non-production sites when using branches ++.
What I basically have tested is this:
- Followed this tutorial on publishing a Jekyll site
- Configured a custom domain
- Fiddled with the site itself to customise it to my needs
Included in the first step is setting up WSL (not the simplified install), installing Ubuntu and both Ruby and Jekyll. So a lot of things I previously haven’t touched, haven worked primarily with .NET the last 10-12 years. Luckily there are good howto’s on all the steps to get all of this done.
A huge bonus it is that since this is a hobby/personal project the hosting of my app in Azure is free. Another thing I really liked was the native CI/CD integration with Github - CI/CD out of the box - super effective.
For getting up a simple blog I grant you that there are easier ways to do this and way more powerful platforms you could just sign up for out there - but where’s the fun in that!